
Election Card

Hello My Friend. I am Come back to new blog. All Country Voter Processes it’s different. It’s Voter Id Proof is to different . Election Card used to Indian Government . How to get election card What is a voter ID card? Who is  eligible  to have a voter ID card? Voter ID card or Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) is an  identification card issued by the Election Commission to all eligible voters, to enable voter identification on election day. Website :- All those who are already enrolled in the voter list are eligible to receive a voter ID card. . Is a voter ID card essential for voting? No. This is a very commonly held myth! Only 2 things are mandatory for voting. 1. Your name should be there in the list of registered voters. i.e. in electoral roll or voter list.of your polling booth. 2. You should carry an approved identity proof document. If you are issued with a voter ID card, you have to compulsorily carry it on the day of voting as an

Time Management

Time Management   Causes of Wastes of Time Spending time on Unimportant work- Some people spend time on unimportant things; Things that don’t really contribute to your success at work for example reading junk mail, talking to colleagues, gossiping with friends, watching T.V. Lack of Action plan-  Some people do not make a action plan for their works. & get overwhelmed by work overload Lack of Direction- Some people do not have a direction in life . By setting goal we give direction to our life. Procrastination- Procrastination means when you put off things that you should be focusing on right now, usually in favor of doing something that is more enjoyable or that you’re more comfortable doing. Many people procrastinate to some degree – but some are so chronically affected by procrastination that it stops them achieving things they’re capable of and disrupts their careers. No Schedule of Work activities- Scheduling is the process by which you look at the time avail